The Story Behind Mariners Miracle

Male scuba diver on a small rubber boat on the ocean with a blue sky and white fluffy clouds

Dream it.

Ok, so we had a weird beginning. We run a SCUBA business. We demo gear and do reviews on products. We tell the truth and sometimes that gets us in hot water with the manufacturers. When it comes to motion sickness it seems like there is a lot of snake oil out there being sold as a miracle cure. We were looking for a legitimate product that helped people. Divers on boats get sea sick. It is miserable and we saw all the kinds of cures people used like funky wrist bands with pressure points, clamps on their ears, acupuncture, and lots of drugs with side effects. Might have a few success stories out there but not many.

Skeptical, we set out to research a cure. We aren’t brainiac scientists or chemists but we can do research. Over 7 billion online results looking for a natural cure. Most of them included Ginger. Simple fix, just have the divers go to their health food store and buy ginger. The world uses ginger for nausea but it didn’t work for us very well. Hmmm.

Try something else. And we did. But we kept studying successes with Ginger. So what was wrong with ours? I will save you a long story but in the Navy, our cooks would put raw ginger slices on the chow line when we sailed in rough weather. The Ginger sold in most grocery stores, vitamin stores, even holistic medicine stores was old and stale. It had long lost its effectiveness. Our chemists called it Bio Activity. Basically Life. The stale stuff had no life left in it. Either it was old when packaged or stayed on the shelf way too long.

Fresh ginger plants with roots picked on a farm

Fix it.

We tried the fresh stuff and it worked. Almost on everybody, almost! For about 3 years we tested it and kept researching. Another natural ingredient we kept running into for nausea cures was peppermint. History has recorded a natural cure for pregnant women’s morning sickness, peppermint. Now we’re cookin, um no not really. We don’t cook it because that destroys it. Now we’re squeezing and drying. Here’s where the brainiac and scientists come in. Took awhile to find the right amount that was effective without causing some people heart burn.

Ginger is from the same family as the Turmeric root is. My commercially purchased bottle of Turmeric said it had Piperine in it to increase the turmeric’s effectiveness and absorption by 2000 percent! That’s huge. What the heck is Piperine? Turns out it’s a fancy name for black pepper extract. Excellent for aiding absorption in us humans.

Peppermint leaves with flowers and a glass vile filled with mint essential oil
Fresh pepper plant with green leaves

Perfect it.

We were done. 3 ingredients seemed perfect. Keep it simple, why mess with something that worked. Natural, pure, healthy, no preservatives, no fillers, then we learned about the Vitamin B6 benefit that made the mix perfect. Just do your research and you will know why we added it. Helping to avoid nausea, vomiting, morning sickness fit our need here but wow the list goes on and on. Listed as an essential part of 200 chemical reactions in the body. Including some that divers could benefit from like transporting oxygen through your bloodstream, better circulation, mental awareness, serotonin production (the feel-good hormone). And on and on.

The brainiacs and scientists helped us find the exact mixes to be the most effective and was safe. Heck, its food not medicine so unless you were allergic to an ingredient or ate the whole bottle you would be fine. Worst case a stomachache or plastic in your teeth if you really did eat the bottle.

Man in white shirt holding a jar full of herbs

Name it.

We went back to our roots. Adventurers on boats. In our research it was obvious that Sailors of old used these ingredients and NASA uses a mix for their Star Sailors. It works awesome, and cures a big problem for some people kind of like a miracle. So Mariners Miracle kind of tells a story that we like.

Mariners Miracle for motion sickness prevention logo with pirate ship

Love it.

We told you why we love it. Now you tell us why you love it.